Emfylo-ποιείν / to construct the Gender at Antonopoulou Gallery


The group exhibition «Emfylo-ποιείν / to construct the Gender» will open at a.antonopoulou.art on May 28th 2019, curated by George Kalivis.

What is femininity, what is feminine and what is female? What is masculinity, what is masculine and what is male?

In a society where everything changes and flows with hectic pace, the questions concerning the perception of the concept of the human body seem more current than ever.

What "must", "mustn't", "if it must" for the human body?

What is the power of visual media surfaces in the creation of the gendered feeling in (post)modern societies and how do the existing standards transform, if they do so?

How is "obvious", "natural", "normal" constructed when talking about the human body?

Finally, could the western way of thinking escape from its bipolar bases in the sense of male/female, good/evil, beautiful/ugly, white/black and so on, and if so, where would that lead?

Pavlos Tsakonas, Mystic mistake #5, detail, 2019.

Disengagement from such stereotypes in the new social circumstances, although sometimes appears feasible, is usually hindered systematically by serving various interests.

The commonly accepted perceptions and standards for human bodies have generated a series of discussions, ideas, talks and debates about the naturalness, genre and uniqueness of their existence.

The art exhibition «Emfylo-ποιείν / to construct the Gender» becomes a common commentary site for the development of ideas about these and other contemporary questions. Each artist reflects, interprets and creates on the basis of whether gender (and/or sex) is eventually, in part or fully, a construction of human intellect.

The artworks of the exhibition are various manifestations of creative expression and lead to a production of words and images for a wide range of issues concerning diversity, roles and identities of all genders, and sometimes regarding the study of sexuality.

The show caustically comments what society considers "obvious". The "male/female" models unfold a political narrative about issues of limiting expression, thought and diversity, and ultimately the freedom to manage your own body.

The works of acclaimed Greek and foreign artists cover a range of expressive mediums such as video, photography, sculpture, installations, painting and more.

Ioanna Pantazopoulou, A.F., 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center

Participating artists
Dimitrios Antonitsis, Vera Chotzoglou [Julien Napolitano], DAGLARA, Georgia Fambris, Georges Jacotey, Demi Kaia, Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Sevastiana Konstaki, Sia Kyriakakos, Konstantinos Ladianos, Anna Lascari, Rick Lowe & Dora Papadimitriou, Thanos Mourrais Velloudios, Ioanna Pantazopoulou, Maria Papadimitriou, Eva Papamargariti, Alexios Papazacharias, Alexandros Psychoulis, Nana Sachini, John Sachpazis, Anne Marie Slater, Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou, Pavlos Tsakonas [παυλος τσ], Stef Van Looveren, Adonis Volanakis.

John Sachpazis, Queertopia, 2019. Work in progress
Adonis Volanakis, Remove Before Sex, 2010.

Emfylo-ποιείν / to construct the Gender
29 May – 26 Jul 2019
28 Aug - 14 Sep 2019
Opening 28 May 2019, 19:00
Curated by George Kalivis

Antonopoulou Gallery
Aristofanous 20, Psyrri
Athens, 105 54
Wed – Fri 14:00–20:00, Sat 12:00–16:00
T +30 210 3214 994
Facebook event

✍️ Text provided by the organisers

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